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DOUG SAINTMOUR lives in Virginia and grew up in Onancock, located on the Chesapeake Bay side of Virginia's Eastern Shore. In the late 1950s, only a few households in the small farming community had a television set. Unlike today's families that spend a great deal of time watching TV, Doug's neighbors' favorite pastime was to sit on the front porch and swap stories. Doug vividly recalls those summer evenings, on one porch or another, listening to droll anecdotes; those tall-tales would leave a lasting impact on his future.

At the age of eight, he read his first TOM CORBETT, Space Cadet book and was instantly hooked on science fiction. After collecting and reading all eight hard copy books, he began to write alternate endings for each book and that eventually prompted him to write his own short stories. Then one day after reading a novel, he didn't like the ending. He wrote an alternate ending for the story, but that was not enough. So he decided to write his own version of the story, something he'd never attempted before. He soon had a three hundred-page manuscript--his first. He began to write with a new found passion and four manuscripts and several short stories later, he was hopelessly hooked on fiction novel writing. That was when he was a preteen. He didn't vigorously peruse his writing until later in life, because life got in the way. Between becoming a teenager, going to high school, relocating to New York City, going to Viet Nam and making it home in one piece, and then marriage and a family coupled with two careers. After Doug had survived mid-life and started over again from square one, he began to cross off the items on his bucket-list. Number one on the list was writing his first fiction novel. Therefore, at the age of 62, he published his first novel.

"My mission as a writer," Doug says, "is to entertain as many readers as possible by stretching their imaginations to the limit. I believe the stories I write are a wonderful gift to leave in my life's wake"